• Eden Ministries Uganda is an African founded faith based community based organization, established to support churches and vulnerable communities in Uganda through friends on mission network for Christ. Eden Ministries Uganda has brought together a Network of churches in Uganda with a key strategy of fulfilling the mission of Christ and delivery of poverty reduction interventions in Uganda and build partnerships with government, civil society and donors.

    We are working through a network of churches that have adopted a common mission and are willing to collaborate on various activities to achieve a common goal. The churches in the network are autonomous yet interdependent when it comes to achieving more together. Because they align around a common mission, churches in this network will work together as “friends on mission.” Mission and diversity are highly valued and success stories feature both themes prominently.

  • P.O BOX NUMBER 143 ,LUGAZI, Uganda
  • - gameconnect - football ministry - youth ministry - church - school - africa prayer chain